22nd birthday may not be as big as the 21st birthday. That, is not true. All birthdays are the same. Well, at least it is for me.
My 22nd birthday's celebration totally blown me off. Although simple, but it was very meaningful to me. Often, I ended up celebrating my birthday with my family and few close friends but this time, it was totally different. Wanna know the difference? You only need to continue reading...hehehe.
On the 28th of November, a Wednesday, I was on the computer. My bro went downstairs to have supper. I didnt join him, which was really strange, coz I was hungry too. But no, I stayed in the room, staring at the computer. Then, 5 minutes to 12am, my bro came in the room with an intention. Haha. His intention was to make sure that I don't get out of the room until after 12am. So, we played a game of Winning Eleven on the PS2.
Going into the 20th minute of the match of Man U vs Ac Milan, someone knocked at the door. As usual, I went to open. My my my. There, I saw my dad, sis and mum with the birthday cake!!! During uni days, it is quite often that we do this kind of surprise for our friends. But, with this coming from my family, I was stoned at that moment. Thanks sis for the wonderful idea. It was a perfect gift. Wouldnt want to ask for more.
My mom with the birthday cake. My dad was already sleeping at that time....

Family pic after a dinner at Golden Restaurant - see my happy face?
The celebration didnt end that night. Most of my colleagues knew about my birthday because my bro was such a good news broadcaster. They wished me happy birthday at the office. The following day, which is the 30th, a farewell gathering was arranged for my brother. (My bro was leaving the company for Singapore). Together, I went with my bro to a place called Sports Centre where we had a karaoke session. We were singing, then we came to this song, "Auld Lang Syne". At that very moment, Lorna (a colleague) took a cake. (At that moment, definitely I thought the cake was for my bro). However.....
To my surprise, the cake has got my name on it as well. I was lost for words, yet grateful for these wonderful colleagues whom I have only met for about a week only at that time. God's blessings really. So, my bro and I blew the candles together. The night continued with more singing, which lasted for 4 hours (pretty long eh). Most of them didnt have voice the next day...hehe, but not for me, coz I didnt sing that much...hehe
The cake
The wonderful people
Work as usual the next day. Then together with my family, we spent the Saturday and Sunday at Marriott Hotel. Thanks mum! We had so much fun, enjoying the facilities - the pool, gym, and many more. I shall let the pictures do the story-telling...hehehe

Me relaxing on the bed
I didnt forget to bring along the PS2 - handy when you are lazy..hehehe
Haha, challenged my bro table tennis - Guess who was the winner?
Dr Chris, I am doing my rehab...See see

Wish the volleyball gang were here....sigh
Pizzas for dinner!!!

The pool at night
The "frog" swimming....

Can I do a rejoice ad?
These pretty summed up my 22nd birthday. I am so happy to have so many wonderful people around me. : )